Who’s Ready to Laugh: January 24th is National Belly Laugh Day

“Mother: What did you learn in school today?”

“Student: Not enough, I have to go back tomorrow!’Today is National Belly Laugh Day. One of the benefits of homeschooling or being in an online school is that the teachers can tailor the lessons to be as fun as possible. Another perk is that parents know when to take a break to have a quick laugh. Research even shows that laughing brings more oxygen to the brain, which can sharpen your thinking.

Be sure to check out our Activity Center for games and activities pulled right from our curriculum. As an added bonus I wanted to share a joke from one of my favorite comedians, Brian Regan. This joke is school-related and all of his material is pretty family-friendly.

Brian Regan ‘Spelling Bee’

If you’re looking for some more jokes on education you can check them out here. Be sure to share some of the ways that you make learning fun for your student or your favorite educational joke.

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