Your Back-to-School Guide: A Complete Plan to Keep it Simple

Well, here we are. Another summer has flown by as fast as you can say, “Where does the time go?” Our Facebook newsfeeds are beginning to fill up with those traditional photos marking the beginning of another year of what we hope will be filled with a lot of learning and reaching goals both big and small. As parents, we never feel truly ready. But the Learning Liftoff staff has put together a complete back-to-school guide to help you and your family keep it simple along the way.

From getting organized and planning meals to setting goals and creating memories, the following articles are sure to get you off to a superb start this year.

Your Back-to-School Guide

Meal Planning
Made Simple

Technology to Make Learning
and Life Easier

Making Organization
for School Simple

Preparing for
School Success

A First Day
to Remember

 This article was update August 2015

Image Credit – Courtney Carmody / CC by 2.0

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